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Build a storytelling capability and culture into your organisation.

Are you ready to design storytelling into your organisation?


Contact us if you would like to have a conversation.


Storytelling does not have to be a slippery word!

So you've heard that storytelling is an incredibly effective personal and organisational communication tool, but can't quite grasp how it works or where to start? We can help you build your storytelling confidence.


Build a culture of storytelling

Through intentionally designed storytelling moments, it is possible to weave storytelling into many aspects of an organisations' culture. This can greatly enhance the quality of how your people meet, the way information is shared and communicated, and the way collaboration takes place. Storytelling is often experienced as a team-building experience while doing work!More importantly, by curating stories in your organisation you begin to imbue your culture with a shared purpose and experience of connection. 


Expert Facilitation and Training

Drawing on over two decades of storytelling work in the theatre and organisational settings, Colin brings a fresh, unique and lively approach to supporting your learning journey. You will be introduced to various tools, techniques, tips and tricks and approaches to using storytelling as a powerful way to connect or to move your projects forward. 


Next-level communication

We will design and deliver storytelling training that meets your organisations needs. Being a strategic storyteller is a learnable and powerful communication skill that every leader, manager, salesperson, marketer, entrepreneur and design thinker should have in their toolbox.


When to tell a story?

Storytelling can be employed in many situations including for presentations, pitches, meetings, negotiations, collaboration, motivating teams, selling an idea or service, fundraising, stakeholder engagements, talking to your boss, being the boss, or to inspire and connect with your colleagues. A story can humanise data and complexity and influence your audience toward desired action. 


Learn by doing 

We believe that the best way to learn anything is to activate your body, to play and have constructive fun, to explore, experiment and iterate. This training embraces these learning conditions, in a psychologically safe space, designed to accelerate and ensure your progress. 


Connect with emotion

Enhance and uplift your communication skills to get your intended message across with impact. Stories engage your whole being, head and heart, and impact us in transformational ways. In this training, you will learn how to create an emotional connection that leads to inspired action in your audience.  


Storyteller = Story-gatherer

Through interactive training, you will learn how to think in story, how to gather stories, how to tell stories, and how to bring storytelling into every aspect of your work. The practice of sharing and telling stories in an organisation is a powerful way to not only solidify a sense of community, but also an effective method of surfacing stories that can be fed into  strategic storytelling efforts. 


Balanced approach

You will be guided through an effective balance of both theoretical understanding, including story structures and components, and the practical application of story crafting and story delivery. You will be introduced to tools that will support your storytelling journey and be skilfully coached along the way. 


How can your story be of service? 

Strategic stories consider your audience and what they care about. By understanding what value means for your audience and your purpose in telling a particular story, you will be able to make choices in the stories you craft that will resonate with your audience, no matter who they are. This is a story that serves. 


Breath life into your stories.

We place an emphasis on iteration of story delivery as this is where we believe the magic happens. Consequently this training is highly interactive and engaging and follows a learn-by-doing approach, drawing on insights from theatre and neuroscience. Our no.1 storytelling tip is: Practice, practice, practice! 



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